Ensuring Safety Across Trenches: Sedgman Limited’s Success

In Australia’s mining landscape, the twin pillars of safety and efficiency guide every decision, making the search for solutions to everyday issues crucial for operational success. CIMIC Group’s Sedgman Limited, based in Olive Downs QLD, was ensuring safe pedestrian access around their site, particularly around trenches.

Keep reading to see how Sedgman Limited, in collaboration with SafeSmart Access, navigated this challenge by implementing a portable bridge solution using our 5-Step process to ensure safety success.


Assessing Trench Risks

The primary concern for Sedgman Limited was the safety hazard presented by trenches scattered across their mining site. These trenches, necessary for various operational purposes, posed a risk of falls and trips, endangering the welfare of workers navigating the area.

A Construction Manager at Sedgman Limited identified the need for a solution that allows safe, efficient pedestrian access without impeding the site’s workflow.


Solution: Temporary Bridges

After thorough research and consultation, Sedgman Limited collaborated with SafeSmart Access, the leader in temporary access solutions.

The proposed solution was to deploy a portable site access bridge specifically designed to provide a safe crossing over trenches. These bridges are commonly used for public access and high pedestrian traffic around obstructions in or around hazardous work sites.

This initiative aimed to enhance safety and maintain or even improve the site’s operational efficiency by ensuring uninterrupted throughout the installation process.


Portable Site Access Bridges for Construction Personnel

The SafeSmart Portable Site Access Bridge was selected for its robust design, portability, and compliance with the AS 1657: 2018 standard. This Australian Standard governs the design, construction, and installation of fixed platforms,aluminium walkways, stairways, and ladders, essentially ensuring the safety of access structures.

The trench bridge’s design features high-strength, lightweight materials for easy relocation and adjustment, catering to the dynamic needs of the mine site. Furthermore, the bridge was engineered to withstand the harsh conditions as can be found in a mining environment, promising durability and long-term usability.


Delivering and Installing Portable Bridges

The SafeSmart Portable Site Access Bridge was delivered to Sedgman Limited’s Olive Downs site with precision and efficiency. Thanks to the bridge’s design, which allows for quick setup and removal as needed, installation was straightforward.

Training and documentation were provided to ensure site personnel could safely and effectively relocate the bridge, maximising its utility without requiring specialised equipment or extensive labour.


Ongoing Support for Portable Bridges

Beyond the delivery and installation, SafeSmart Access is committed to providing ongoing support to ensure that the portable bridge solution continues to meet Sedgman Limited’s needs.

Parts and maintenance guidance, as well as customer support, are part of the comprehensive service package that SafeSmart provides throughout the product’s lifetime. This continuous support ensures that the solution provided remains in optimal condition, adhering to safety standards and contributing to the overall safety culture at Olive Downs.


Adhering to AS 1657 : 2018

The adherence to AS 1657 : 2018 standards is a testament to the commitment of Sedgman Limited and SafeSmart Access toward upholding the highest safety standards.

By conforming to these standards, the portable temporary bridge not only provides a practical solution to the challenge at hand but also aligns with broader industry regulations and best practices for workplace safety.

This compliance is crucial for fostering a safe working environment and minimising risks associated with workplace accidents.


Bridging Safety and Efficiency

The collaboration between Sedgman Limited and SafeSmart Access illustrates the importance of innovative solutions in addressing site-specific challenges in the mining industry.

The SafeSmart Portable Site Access Bridge has significantly enhanced the safety and efficiency of pedestrian ramps around trenches at the Olive Downs mine site. By prioritising safety and adhering to rigorous standards, Sedgman Limited demonstrates its commitment to protecting its workforce and maintaining operational excellence.

This case study serves as a valuable example for other mining operations facing similar challenges, showcasing how practical, standards-compliant solutions can effectively mitigate risks and improve overall site safety.

The Five-step Process to Success

The success story of Sedgman Limited with SafeSmart Access’s 5-Step Process showcases how structured, client-focused engagement ensures safety and efficiency improvements. Starting with a thorough scoping phase to grasp project needs, followed by crafting a compliant, innovative solution and presenting a detailed commercial proposal, the process is clear and targeted.

Swift delivery of materials and robust project support ensure smooth execution, while ongoing through-life support guarantees lasting safety and durability, backed by unmatched stock support.

If you’d like to learn more about our process for delivering success to your project, get in touch with our team for a no-obligation meeting.

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